NTRPDC Transportation Planning
Here you’ll find information on our region’s current transportation system as well as future plans and projects for Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, and Wyoming counties, Pennsylvania.
To take the mystery out of what transportation planning is, how it works, who does what, and why it all matters, click the links under “Getting Involved” and “About Transportation Planning” to the left. We’ve explained the basics in plain terms to make it easier for you to get involved in plans and projects that affect our area.
If you’re familiar with NTRPDC’s role in transportation planning and just need facts, contacts, publications, or other information, click the links under “NTRPDC.”
No matter who you are, if you have a stake in what happens in the Northern Tier, we want to hear your ideas and concerns. Start by clicking “Take a Survey” to the left and letting us know what’s important to you. Then stay connected through this web site, our newsletter, public meetings, or by giving us a call.
Transportation planning isn’t just about roads—it’s about life, communities, and our future.