NTRPDC Community Development
NTRPDC staff works to help connect entities with grant opportunities throughout the region for community, economic and sustainable development projects. Examples of projects include, but are not limited to, infrastructure, trails planning and development, brownfield redevelopment, and other projects promoting a sustainable community, enhancing communications, and promoting economic development.
Each year, NTRPDC works with the community to gather information on current and potential future projects in the region to create a Northern Tier project list. This project list is then prioritized by the NTRPDC Economic Development Advisory Committee based on the projects stage of development and readiness for funding.
Project Submissions Due May 20, 2016. See below links and contact Lauren Egleston, Economic Development Program Manager, for more information.
Project Submission Schedule
Project Submission Instructions
Project Submission Fill-In Form
Example Project Proposal Summary
Guidance for Performance Measures
NTRPDC connects projects with potential public funding opportunities at the local, state and federal level. Some of the funding agencies with which we have assisted in preparing applications are:
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC): ARC is a regional economic development agency and a partnership of federal, state, and local government. Congress established ARC, which is composed of 13 Appalachian states. Multi-county local development districts, such as NTRPDC, provide the local participation and assist in preparing projects for ARC funding.
ARC funds projects that address the four goals identified in the Commission's strategic plan:
- Increase job opportunities and per capita income in Appalachia to reach parity with the nation.
- Strengthen the capacity of the people of Appalachia to compete in the global economy.
- Develop and improve Appalachia's infrastructure to make the Region economically competitive.
- Build the Appalachian Development Highway System to reduce Appalachia's isolation.
ARC projects include business development, providing educational or job training, supporting telecommunications development, infrastructure improvements, community development, housing, and transportation.
NTRPDC gathers information on potential projects for the upcoming fiscal year in the early spring each year. The NTRPDC Economic Development Advisory Committee reviews submitted projects each spring before they are analyzed by the NTRPDC Executive Committee and then sent to ARC state program staff for further discussion and examination for funding.
Economic Development Administration (EDA): The US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration is an economic development-focused federal agency, devoted solely to assisting communities throughout the United States in pursuing economic development. NTRPDC staff, as local economic development officials, work directly with EDA to discuss projects and prepare grant applications that are well-defined and are linked to sustainable economic development strategies. All projects support the Northern Tier Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS is updated with minor changes each year, and a more comprehensive, region-wide update is completed every 5 years.
EDA encourages projects that foster innovation and regional collaboration to help address evolving economic conditions throughout the country. Funding deadlines are quarterly.
United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
Infrastructure Investment Authority; PennVEST
Please contact our Community Development Managers Ethan Sexton - 570-265-1511 or
Lauren Egleston - 570-265-1541 for assistance.