NTRPDC Workforce Development Board
What is the WDB?
WDB stands for Workforce Development Board A group of executives from businesses, labor organizations, adult education & literacy, higher education, economic & community development and social services who oversee the Northern Tier regions job training and placement programs.
According to federal law (the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014), every workforce development area must have a Workforce Development Board in charge of its jobs programs. This law:
- Envisions WDBs as "local business-led boards focusing on strategic planning, policy development and oversight of the local workforce development system"
- Sets limitations on the authority of WDBs to operate program
What does the WDB do?
The Northern Tier WDB oversees policy for workforce development and . . . Leads the strategic planning process
- Develops a five-year strategic plan
- Coordinates workforce investment with economic development strategies
- Promotes private sector involvement in the statewide workforce development system
Oversees PA CareerLink, employment, training, and youth activities (under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)
- Charters sites for PA CareerLink "One-Stop" employment office
- Negotiates formal memoranda with "One-Stop" PA CareerLink partners
- Selects PA CareerLink operators and youth service providers
- Establishes eligibility and priority for PA CareerLink services when funding is limited
- Negotiates performance standards
- Certifies eligible training providers
- Establishes an "individualized training account" policy
- Sets criteria for delivery and receipt of training services that meet labor market needs but maximize customer choice
- Appoints the Youth Committee
Works with the Local Management Committee (LMC) to oversee the EARN program (Employment Advancement and Retention Network). The WDB advises the LMC about employers job needs and labor shortages, so the Local Management Committee can develop effective training programs.
WDB Committee Members
Jonathan Benjamin | Krystle Bristol President, Solid Ground Services, Inc. |
Nancy Fowler Owner Hybrid Hiring Solutions |
Brad Georgetti |
Rachel Hauser |
Brad Hummel |
Bruce Jones |
Jason Krise Regional External Affairs Consultant First Energy | Mike Narcavage |
Heather Nelson Assistant District Administrator Department of Labor & Industry |
James Nobles President & CEO North Penn Comprehensive Health Services | Jill Payne |
Diana Petlock | Christopher Roenning | Ronald Vogel, Jr. |
Linda Walsh |
Kelly While Center Director Lackawanna College Towanda Campus | Michael Wilson |
The WDB Local Plan
The WDB must develop a comprehensive strategic plan called the Local Plan -- and submit it to the Governor. This Local Plan must:
- Identify workforce needs and opportunities and the job skills necessary
- Describe the "One-Stop" delivery system
- Describe local level of performance
- Describe and assess adult and dislocated worker employment and training activities
- Describe how the WDB will coordinate with the statewide rapid response system
- Describe and assess youth employment and training activities
- Describe the process for public comment and input into the plan
- Identify the fiscal agent responsible for dispersal of grant funds and the competitive process used to award grants and contracts