NTRPDC Marcellus Shale
In the past few years, exploration and development of the Marcellus Shale has grown exponentially. The region is located at the very center of the natural gas extraction that is taking place in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It has the potential to have a significant impact on population demographics, social services, roads, environment, and overall identity of the region.
The information surrounding this industry is rapidly evolving. However, below you can find various documents, presentations, and links to other websites with information and resources. If you have any addtional information that should be included, please e-mail info@northerntier.org or call toll free at 888.868.8800.
A Research Guide to the Marcellus and Utica Shales
A project of Carnegie Mellon and the PA State Association of Boroughs
3rd Annual Northern Tier Gas Summit for Municipal Officials, November 14, 2012
Presenter Information
Karen Oill Moury, PUC (pdf)
Maureen Ball, Inergy, LLC (pdf)
Russ Miller, Corning Natural Gas Corp./Leatherstocking Gas Company LLC, (pdf)
NGV Seminar, November 1, 2012
Presenter Information
Barry Carr, BAF (pdf)
James O'Donnell, Alternative Fuel Solutons of PA and CNG Diesels (pdf)
Aron Lantz, Larson Design Group (pdf)
Will Freeman, Chesapeake Energy (pdf)
Duane Phillips, Williams Oil Company (pdf)
Will Freeman, Chesapeake Energy (pdf)
Geoff Bristow, PA DEP (pdf)
Economic Impacts of Marcellus Shale for five county area, study funded by Central Bradford Progress Authority
Marcellus Natural Gas Development Effect's on Housing,study done by Lycoming College
Center for Rural Pennsylvania Water Quality Study for Well Water
New EPA to study Hydraulic Fracturing Sites in Pennsylvania Counties
EPA information related to Hydraulic Fracturing
To report non-emergency suspicious activity related to oil and gas activity, please call the EPA Eyes on Drilling toll-free tipline at 1-877-919-4EPA or send email to eyesondrilling@epa.gov
PSU Reports 2011
Local Business impacts Bradford and Washington Counties
State Tax Implications
Workforce Information
Marcellus Shale Fast Facts for July 2012
Marcellus Shale Fast Facts for June 2011
Regional Comparsion
New Citizens Guide for Marcellus Shale
Atlas Energy Resources, LLC
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp.
Chesapeake Energy Corp
Chief Oil & Gas
East Resources, Inc.
El Paso Corporation
EOG Resources, Inc.
Equitable Production Company
Talisman Energy
North Coast Energy, Inc.
Southwestern Energy Co.
XTO Energy
Dominion Transmission, Inc. Delivery & Storage
Pa Gas Lease
Natural Gas Lease PB Works
Natural Gas Impacts PSU Cooperative Extension
Oil & Gas Accountability Project
Pennsylvania Land Trust Association
Recordings from Penn State Webinar Series "Your Business and Marcellus Shale" all three series
Posted Roads Information Listed on PennDot District 3-0
New Report on Potential Impact of Proposed Pennsylvania severance Tax on Natural Gas
PA Oil & Gas Extraction Industry Partnership Overview (PDF)
PIOGA Marcellus Natural Gas Brochure (PDF)
PA Marcellus Economic Impact 5-24-10(PDF)
PSU Forecast of the Potential Impact of Increased Royalty (PDF)
Role of Gas & Oil Drilling, Extraction, Refining, & Support Activities in the Economy of Wyoming County (PDF)
Joint Urban Studies Econ Impact of Marcellus Shale May 2008(PDF)
Oil & Gas Workforce Needs(PDF)
Economic Impact of Oil and Gas in PA November 2008
US Dept. of Energy State Oil & Gas Regulations May 2009(PDF)
Marcellus Shale Workforce Needs Assessment 2009(PDF)
Marcellus 2008 Report Card(PDF)
2011 Northern Tier Gas Summit for Municipal Officials
Presenter Information
Mark Stephens P.G. | Licensed Professional
Department of Environmental Protection
208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 327-3422 | mstephens@state.pa.us
Jim Weaver | Tioga County Planner
Tioga County Planning Commission
118 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901
(570) 723-8251 | jweaver@tiogacountypa.us
Joan Hart | Council President
Borough of Wellsboro
28 Crafton Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901
(570) 724-3186 | borowell@epix.net
David T. Messersmith | Extension Educator
Penn State Cooperative Extension, Wayne County
648 Park Street, Honesdale, PA 18431
(570) 253-5970 x 4110 | dtm101@psu.edu
John M. Gaadt, AICP | Principal
Gaadt Perspectives, LLC
251 S, Fairville Rd., Chadds Ford, PA 19317
(610) 388-7641 | jgaadt@gaadt.com
Stephen W. Saunders
Tressler Saunders, LLC.
220 Penn Avenue, 3rd Floor, Scranton. PA 18503
(570) 346 1900 | sws@tressler-saunders.com
THIS PRESENTATION IS NOT AVAILABLE - Please contact Mr. Saunders if you would like more information
Also, THANK YOU to our sponsors: Chief Oil and Gas and Talisman Energy USA
On October 7, 2009, NTRPDC hosted a Natural Gas Summit for Municipal Officials which focused on issues faced by municipalities in the region, including roads, water, land use, and environment. Following are the presentations available for downloading:
Dr. Terry Engelder (PDF)
Michael Brownell, SRBC(PDF)
Brian Swistock, Penn State (PDF)
Jennifer Means, DEP (PDF)
Peter Wulfhurst & Neil Fogle, Penn State Extension (PDF)
Janice Lobdell, Fortuna Energy (PDF)